[Deutsches Pilgercomité] - Andenken an die Pilgerfahrt nach Jerusalem 1900

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[Deutsches Pilgercomité] - Andenken an die Pilgerfahrt nach Jerusalem 1900 - Köln - Druck & Verlag von Heinrich Theissing - [c. 1900] - 1st edition - 40 pp - Paper wrappers - 14,5 x 21,5 cm.

Condition: Good - with wear.

Antique booklet with souvenir of the Roman Catholic pilgrimage to the Holy Land (Palestine, Jerusalem) of the 'Deutsches Pilgercomité für die Wallfahrt nach Rom und Jerusalem'. Illustrated with black and white photos. Cover with floral Art Nouveau decoration.

¶ Images of i.a. the locations of the Stations of the Cross of Jesus Christ and a panorama of Jerusalem, the Wailing Wall, the Omar Mosque, Bethlehem, Haifa and portraits of 'Lateinischer Patriarch' Ludovico Piavi and P. Wilh. Schmidt (Rector des deutschen kath. Hospizes in Jerusalem).

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