Edith Werkendam - Model
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Edith Werkendam - Model - Amsterdam - Em. Querido - 1925 - 1st edition - 240 pp - Cloth binding - 16 x 22 cm.
Condition: Good.
Controversial novel about the friction between religion and (lesbian) sexuality. Hardback edition in beautiful yellow Art Deco binding (by unknown designer) with gold-stamped illustration of a naked young woman on the cover.
"Ik... stamelde Lona. Jetty kwam vlug naar haar bed, trok de dekens weg, streek met vlugge hand de lange nachtjapon omhoog; Lona's volmaakte benen kwamen bloot, in zuiver zich verbreedende lijnen tot ver boven de knie; Jetty's lippen knepen opeen toen zij de gloeiende kleur zag gaan over Lona's gezicht. Foei! zeide ze ernstig. Met zulke beenen en zoo een gezichtje preutsch zijn!"
¶ Edith (Judith) Werkendam (1896-1952) was a Dutch writer of high-profile, pornographic cult novels (such as 'Als lot en leven dobbelen' (1923) and 'De goddelijke zonde' (1928). In 1924, Werkendam made it into the newspaper because she was arrested during a bicycle ride with her husband and a girlfriend through Hilversum. The reason: she cycled with pants on (!). Edith Werkendam is an exponent of the LGBT community avant-la-lettre. All her books are rare and obscure.