Ellen-Wien Augustijn-Beckers - Made in Holland. Nederlands Fabrikaat Speelgoed 1932-1970

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Ellen-Wien Augustijn-Beckers - Made in Holland. Nederlands Fabrikaat Speelgoed 1932-1970 - Tilburg - Poppen- en SpeelgoedMuseum - 2007 - 1st edition - 228 pp - Hardcover - 23,5 x 21,5 cm.

Condition: Excellent - SIGNED by the owners of the museum. With separate invitation for the book presentation.

Overview of vintage and antique toys produced in the Netherlands. Illustrated with photos in COLOUR. With list of brands and manufacturers (incl. logos) and index. Hardback edition of this STANDARD REFERENCE WORK.

¶ The book deals with i.a. wooden toys, dolls, puzzles and construction toys; Ado, Anjo, Berco-Lux, Dovina, Gemo, Holland, HOMAS, N.V. Klaus, Nooitgedagt, Okkerse, Philips, Selecta, Simplex, Sio, Temsi, Wildebras and Zabo.


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