Gerard Kornelis Franciscus van het Reve - (Mijn God) Het is een produkt van de verveling. Boekenweekgeschenk 1997

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Gerard Kornelis Franciscus van het Reve - (Mijn God) Het is een produkt van de verveling. Boekenweekgeschenk 1997 - Kachelen aan de Leie [Eindhoven] - CPNF / Ora et Labora - Maria Licht M'is A.D. IIIMM [maart 1997] - 1st edition - [8] pp - Stapled wrappers - 14,5 x 14,5 cm.

Condition: Excellent, this is No. V.

Bibliophile 'reefdruk' from the south of the Netherlands with a text by Gerard Reve (1923-2006) that previously appeared in the Volkskrant of April 23, 1996. Illustrated with a portrait and 'Reviaanse' erotic drawings. In the back two well-known poems as a bonus.

¶ Distributed by the Congregatio de Propaganda Fide Nederland as "the only true Book Week gift 1997" in an edition of 12, "zegge: twaalf" copies, numbered I-XII. Printed with the left hand & numbered on 120 grs HEMA sky blue and cerise red paper, also provided with transparent endpapers. Not in NCC.

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