Leonor Fini ou le théâtre de l'Imaginaire: Mythes et symboles de l'univers finien

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Pierre Borgue - Leonor Fini ou le théâtre de l'Imaginaire. Mythes et symboles de l'univers finien. Précédé de "Vrai lieu de la peinture" par Jean Burgos - Paris - Lettres Modernes - 1983 - 1st edition - 312pp - Cloth binding - 20 x 28 cm. - Design: Michel J. Minard

Condition: Good - with loose inlaid card from designer M.J. Minard. Linen has some very faint spots and a small dent on the bottom edge. But neat book. Rare item.

Important monograph by the Argentinian artist Leonor Fini (1907–1996). Illustrated with black and white photos and reproductions of the - predominantly erotic - works of art. With bibliography, index iconographique, index and table of contents. Text in French. Bibliotheque Circe 2. Hardcover edition with tassel.

Leonor Fini illustrated books by great writers such as Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Baudelaire and William Shakespeare, but was best known for the illustrations she made for Pauline Réage's SM classic Histoire d'O.

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