A. Markus - Arnhem omstreeks het midden der vorige eeuw . Met [...] platen, kaarten en portretten

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A. Markus - Arnhem omstreeks het midden der vorige eeuw. Met geschiedkundige aanteekeningen. Met 64 platen, kaarten en portretten - Arnhem - N.V. Maatschappij tot Exploitatie der Nieuwe Arnhemsche Courant - 1906-1907 - 1st edition - 4 parts - [xvi, 504] pp - Loose-leaf quires in paper wrappers - 17 x 25 cm.

Condition: Good complete set (with wear and damage). But very SCARCE in this original version.

Extensive book in four parts by Antoon Markus (1842-1907) "Teacher at the H.B.S. in Arnhem" about the 19th century history of the Gelderland capital. Illustrated in black and white. With alphabetical index.

¶ Important book that every 'Arnhemiana' collector should own in his library.The historical data for the period 1800-1900 are still interesting, but most important are now the nostalgic (mostly in Art Nouveau style designed) advertisements for Arnhem companies from the fin-de-siècle.

The four episodes were provided quarterly free of charge to subscribers of the Arnhemsche Courant from mid-1906. For non-subscribers, the sales price was f. 1.25 each. A quarterly subscription to the newspaper cost one and a half guilders, so this must have been a successful marketing strategy. In 1907, an Art Nouveau decorated book binding (probably designed by the author himself) was made available in which the work could be bound. Something almost everyone has done. This original of the original version can therefore be called virtually untraceable.

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