Denis Arnolds - Hij, Jan Cremer ['n onverbeterlijke BESTSELLER]

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Denis Arnolds - Hij, Jan Cremer ['n onverbeterlijke BESTSELLER] - Antwerpen - Uitgeverij Walter Soethoudt - [1965] - 1st edition - 196 pp - Paperback - 14 x 19,5 cm.

Condition: Good - some margin lines on p. 72/73.

Pastiche on Jan Cremer's 'onverbiddelijke bestseller', based on press reviews. Illustrated with black and white photos. With a list of "onnette woorden" and how often they are used in IK JAN CREMER. NCC dates the book to 1968.

¶ 'Denis Arnolds' was the 'nom-de-plume' of Hélène Schepers, the wife of sex book publisher Arnold Veerkamp. Cf. Muller p. 236: "To the delight of the publisher, Cremer angrily demanded a ban plus compensation of 25,000 guilders [for the 'rotten book']. Together with a few friends, Cremer announced that he would look for the man hiding behind the pseudonym".

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