[Jan Cremer] - Overeenkomst tussen Jan Cremer en De Bezige Bij

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[Jan Cremer] - Overeenkomst tussen Jan Cremer en De Bezige Bij - Amsterdam - De Bezige Bij - 30 september 1966 - A4 sheet - 21,5 x 29,5 cm.

Condition: Good - with Certificate of Authenticity SIGNED by Jan Cremer.

Photocopy of a contract between the writer Jan Cremer (1940-2024) and his publisher, for a loan of 18,000 guilders, intended "to enable Jan Cremer's return to New York". Signed by Cremer and Geertjan Lubberhuizen.

[transl.] "The loan will be repaid from the moment of publication of his second book, of which book Jan Cremer hereby transfers the powers arising from copyright to De Bezige Bij". Furthermore, three ways are mentioned in which the amount could be repaid. A number of gouaches and paintings served as collateral.

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