[Arnon Grunberg] - Tussen Stamppot en Falaffel deel 2. Een [TV] programma van Willy Lindwer

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[Arnon Grunberg] - Tussen Stamppot en Falaffel deel 2. Een [TV] programma van Willy Lindwer - Hilversum - Joodse Omroep - [2008] - DVD in box - 13,5 x 19 cm.

Condition: Excellent.

The second part of the documentary by Willy Lindwer (1946-) about Dutch people living as colonists in Israel. Playing time: 50 minutes. Original edition in original box.

Also contains images of the interview with Maniou-Louise Grünberg (1963-), the sister of writer Arnon Grunberg who emigrated to Israel in 1982.

¶ The Joodse Omroep (JO) was a Dutch public broadcaster that covered Judaism in the broadest sense of the word from different angles, with the Jewish religion as a binding element. In 2016, the channel was closed down and incorporated into the Evangelische Omroep (EO).

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