H.P. Blavatsky - Isis Ontsluierd. Een Sleutel op de Mysterien van de Oude en de Hedendaagsche Wetenschap en Godgeleerdheid [...]

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H.P. Blavatsky - Isis Ontsluierd. Een Sleutel op de Mysterien van de Oude en de Hedendaagsche Wetenschap en Godgeleerdheid. Deel I. Wetenschap / Deel II. Godgeleerdheid - Amsterdam - N.V. Theosofische Uitgeversmaatschappij - 1911/1914 - 1st edition - 2 parts - [2],[xviii],[800]; [viii],[766] pp - Cloth bindings - 18,5 x 26 cm.

Condition: Good set - with wear and stains. Part 1 somewhat weak in the binding. The books have a (pleasant) incense scent. COMPLETE.

Antique Dutch translation ("after the seventh English edition") of Isis Unveiled (1877); the two-part standard work by the Russian-German occultist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891). With a preface by the translator Mr. J.D. by Ketwich Verschuur and table of contents. Hardback edition.

Madame Blavatsky (born as Jelena Petrovna von Hahn-Rottenstern) wrote hundreds of articles (including about Atlantis) and a number of books,of which Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine became the standard works of the Theosophical Movement, of which she was the founder.

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