Frederike Huygen & Hugues C. Boekraad - Wim Crouwel: Mode en module [Eindredactie en samenstelling oeuvrelijst: Hester Wolters]

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Frederike Huygen & Hugues C. Boekraad - Wim Crouwel: Mode en module [Eindredactie en samenstelling oeuvrelijst: Hester Wolters] - Rotterdam - Uitgeverij 010 - 1997 - 1st edition - [432] pp - Paperback - 18 x 23 cm. - Design: Karel Martens & Jaap van Triest (with Roger Willems).

Monograph on- and biography of the Dutch graphic designer Wim Crouwel (1928-2019) with a separate chapter about Van Abbe and Stedelijk Museum. Illustrated with photos and reproductions in COLOUR. With list of works, bibliography and index. STANDARD WORK.

¶ An English-language sequel was published in 2015 (but because of the checklist, this first book is still indispensable for antiquarians and collectors). Crouwel was co-founder of the design agency Total Design in 1963. In 1967 he designed the New Alphabet typeface. He is also known for the Dutch number stamps (1976-2002).

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