J. Krayenbelt - Het Heilige Land. Reis door Egypte, Palestina en Syrië. Met kaart en platen. [...]

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J. Krayenbelt - Het Heilige Land. Reis door Egypte, Palestina en Syrië. Met kaart en platen. Tweede druk -Rotterdam - Wenk & Birkhoff - 1893 - 2nd edition - [364] pp - Cloth binding - 19,5 x 27,5 cm.

Condition: Good - corner dented. Neat copy.

Travelogue describing a journey through the Middle East by the Dutch Reformed minister Jan Krayenbelt (1837-1907). Illustrated with black and white photos, reproductions and maps (including a map of Jerusalem). With index of Bible texts. Hardback second edition (so called 'prachtband').

¶ Including Cairo and the Pyramid of Giza, the Omar Mosque, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Via Dolorosa with the Ecce Homo Arch, the King's Tomb, Bethlehem, Jericho, Mabulus, Nain, Smyrna, Greece (Athens) and Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey). Cf. Faber p. 24.

The author makes a striking observation on p. 67 [transl.]: "The condition to which women have been reduced under Islam will be the dynamite that will blow up the fortifications of Mohammedanism. Women cannot remain in those bonds."

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