[Matrijs] J. Vredenberg - Klarendal en het Luthers Hofje. Arnhems eerste volkswijk

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J. Vredenberg - Klarendal en het Luthers Hofje. Arnhems eerste volkswijk - Utrecht - Uitgeverij Matrijs - 2010 - 1st edition - 64 pp - Paperback - 17 x 24 cm. - Design: Frederike Bouten.

Condition: Good.

Overview of the monumental and special 19th century buildings in the Arnhem city district (ca. 1830-1880). Illustrated with black and white photos and maps. With bibliography. Text in Dutch.

¶ Arnhemse Monumenten Reeks 24. Excellent monograph of this district, dealing with the origins of Klarendal, the social housing, the Catherijnestraat, Molen [Mill] De Hoop (now called De Kroon), cemetery, Military Hospital and School 3 at Onder de Linden, the Lutherse Kerk (church, 1897), Koolstraat, Klarendalseweg, Kapelwijk, Mussenbuurt and the Fashion Quarter on the Sonsbeeksingel.

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