Jacob Cornelisz van Neck - Waerachtigh Verhael van de Schip-vaert op Oost-Indien, [...]. Hier achter is by-ghevoegt De Voyagie van Sebald de Weert naer de Straet Magalanes [...]

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Jacob Cornelisz van Neck - Waerachtigh Verhael van de Schip-vaert op Oost-Indien, [...]. Hier achter is by-ghevoegt De Voyagie van Sebald de Weert naer de Straet Magalanes [...] - t'Amstelredam - Door Joost Hartgers, Boeck-Verkooper op den Dam / bezijden 't Stadt-Huys / inde Boeck-winckel - Anno 1650 - Later edition - 76, [4] pp - Paper wrappers - 15 x 19 cm.

Condition: Good - with wear. COMPLETE. Rebound in a cover of 19th century decorative paper.

Antique 17th century travel account of the expedition to the East Indies "gedaen by de acht schepen onder den heer Admirael Jacob van Neck (1564-1638) en de Vice-Admirael Wybrand van Warwyck, van Amsterdam gezeylt in den jare 1598". Together with the journey of Sebald de Weert (1567-1603) to the Strait of Magellan in South America (Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego). Text in Dutch (mainly Gothic font).

Concluded with a Javanese Dutch-Malay vocabulary:"een vocabulaer van Maleys en Duyts, 't welck door geheel Indien gesproken wort." Illustrated with woodcut (with two ships) on the title page and 5 copper engravings in the text; prints of the island of Mauritius (with fishermen with a net and a DODO); a tournament with horses in Tuban (on the island of Bali), the city of Amboina (Ambon), Cidade da Praia (the capital) and Sint Jago (= the largest island of Santiago) of Cape Verde.

¶ Rare. NCC; only the Rijksmuseum keeps a copy; Landwehr 251; Tiele 787; Memoir p. 145-146; Howgego p. 746/747: "Van Neck's was the [first and] most profitable of the pre-VOC voyages [for the Verre Company]. No copies of the Dutch original [first edition from 1600] have survived". In addition to PENGUINS, scurvy and his meeting with Olivier van Noort, De Weert also describes bloody battles with 'Savages', in which heads were smashed and certain body parts cut off. See also Howgego p. 1097: "After becoming yet another to describe the Patagonian giants as being ten or eleven feet tall, he left the strait [...] for the homeward voyage".

Dodo expert Boudewijn Büch owned a French edition from 1609 which he presented in 'Een heel huis vol' (2001) and a Dutch version from 1648 (Cf. Sliggers Herkomst BB p. 115-117). "De tekst waardoor de wereld weet kreeg van de dodo", initially called 'Walgh-vogels' because of its tough meat. Despite this, the animal became extinct within a century.

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