José Ortega y Gasset - De opstand der horden

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José Ortega y Gasset - De opstand der horden -'s-Gravenhage - H.P. Leopold's Uitgeversmij N.V. - 1954 - 10th edition - [272] pp - Cloth binding with dust jacket - 14 x 21 cm.

Condition: Good.

Dutch translation (by Dr. Johan Brouwer) of La Rebelión de las Masas (1930); by the Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955). With 'voorbericht voor de Franschen'. Hardback tenth edition.

¶ This is Ortega y Gasset's most important book. It was first published in Dutch in 1933. In this study he defines the "mass man" as someone who sees himself as "just like everyone else" and he doubts whether the horde is capable of being its own boss. Because of this work he is considered a cultural pessimist.

The cover was designed by Helmut Salden (1910-1996); cf. Vranken #98.

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