Jonathan Margolis - O: The Intimate History of the Orgasm

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Jonathan Margolis - O: The Intimate History of the Orgasm - New York - Grove Press - 1e druk - 2004 - [xii],[402] pp - Linnen band met stofomslag - 15 x 22 cm.

Condition: Excellent.

Compelling, humorously written history of the male and female orgasm from prehistoric times to Viagra and the internet at the beginning of the 21st century. With bibliography & webography. Author's photo: Eleanor Margolis. Hardback edition.

With chapters on Evolution, Orgasm in Antiquity, Sex in the Orient, Chastity in the Christian World, The Middle Ages, Victorian Prudery: From the Late Restoration to 1840, From the Victorian Era to Health & Efficiency, Sigmund Freud, The Kinsey Report, Swingers in the 1960s, and 'Sex in the City'.

¶ "More than a hundred million acts of sexual intercourse take place every day, according to the WHO. Calculations would suggest, then, allowing for expanding the world population since 98,000 BC, that human beings have had sex some 1,200 trillion times to date. It cannot, surely, have been bad every time".

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