S. Vestdijk - Terug tot Ina Damman. De geschiedenis van een jeugdliefde

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S. Vestdijk - Terug tot Ina Damman. De geschiedenis van een jeugdliefde - Rotterdam - Nijgh & Van Ditmar NV - 1934 - [1st edition] - [276] pp - Cloth binding - 16 x 21 cm.

Condition: Good - some rust spots; but actually EXCELLENT. No dust jacket.

The first novel by the Dutch prolific writer Simon Vestdijk (1898-1971); the third part in the 8-part Anton Wachter cycle. Hardcover version. Binding design: W. Flem.

¶ Cf. Grijzen p. 13; Aioloz (2005) #44. Reportedly, Vestdijk's debut was published with a dust jacket, but this is so rare that even specialized antiquarian booksellers Hinderickx & Winderickx (2005, #1.) has never seen one.

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